Rosh Chodesh Living: Cheshvan
Entryway: Welcome to Our Home
Wednesday, Oct. 26th at 7:30 pm
Calling all ladies for 5783 we will celebrate Rosh Chodesh one room at a time. Strengthening our Jewish homes. For Cheshvan we we welcome everyone to our home and learn about the mezuzah and ways to welcome people into your home through a Jewish lens. A glass artist will be leading us in creating a fused glass mezuzah cover. Colorful, unique and made by YOU.
- Registration required.
- Space is very limited. It is sure to sell out.
- $36 per person
- Incudes artist instruction, all supplies and kiln fusion.
- You will not leave with the finished project. Pick-up will be arranged at the center after the mezuzahs are fused in the artist’s kiln.
- This does not include a Kosher scroll. Kosher scrolls are available for purchase and Rabbi Gadi is available to install.